MICRpro.com offers free MICR document analysis to all of our MICR toner customers. We realize that from time to time you want to be sure your documents meet ANSI/ABA and Check 21 standards. In house we use a RDM GTX Qualifier to analyze our MICR documents. Since this analyzer costs $10,000 we don''t expect our customers to purchase one. Most likely your bank will let you know if your documents do not meet ANSI standards. However it is a good idea to make sure your documents meet all standards, including character placement, signal strength, and character waveform, especially if you have just started printing your own checks. - This service is free to our customers. Send your VOIDED MICR documents to:
- MICRpro.com
c/o Advantage Laser Products Attn: MICR Document Testing 1840 Marietta Blvd, NW Atlanta, GA 30318 Be sure to include a letter with your customer number and a phone number where we can call with the results.